A Million Dollar Idea
Episode 2
Screened: 2020-02-11 at Spectacle Theater
Votes: 22/27 - 81.48% share; placed 1st of 9
Downloads: 2,676
Businessman | Sam Kim |
Party Host | Genevieve Gearity |
Sam Kim | Writer, Animator |
Genevieve Gearity | Writer, Producer |
Episode 3
Screened: 2020-03-10 at Spectacle Theater
Votes: 25/25 - 100.00% share; placed 1st of 11
Downloads: 4,346
Sam Kim | Writer, Animator |
Genevieve Gearity | Producer |

No video available
Episode 4
Screened: 2021-09-25 at Brooklyn Comedy Collective (BCC)
Votes: 0/18 - 0.00% share; placed 9th of 10
Downloads: 2,055