How-To and Inspiration

Making a show for Channel101 can be a breeze. Watch these videos and get started.

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How-To Video Featuring Jon & Jess

Jon and Jess are happy to show you how to make a pilot! REALLY HAPPY!

Screened: 2008-11-03 at Pianos

Downloads: 6,744


Although channel101ny's resident world-beating juggernaut Goldar may seem like a well-educated genius with millions of dollars of film-making equipment at the ready, but the truth may surprise you.

Screened: 2008-11-03 at Pianos

Downloads: 5,731

How to 101

Have you ever thought about making a show for Channel 101? Here's how.

Screened: 2012-02-13 at UCBeast

Downloads: 6,832

How to 101

A slightly different take on how to make a show for Channel 101.

Screened: 2012-03-12 at UCBeast

Downloads: 7,196

How To 101

Yet another slightly different take on how to make a Channel 101 show.

Screened: 2012-04-09 at UCBeast

Downloads: 6,232