
created by  Tony Zaret

A man learns that his decision to stop partying every day could lead to some catastrophic consequences. Our party-pooped audience failed to respond to this show's pleas to "boogie woogie woogie," despite a generous helping of sweet party grooves.

Screened: 2008-02-05 at Pianos

Votes: 13/113 - 11.50% share; placed 9th of 10

Downloads: 15,061



Johnny "Party" SullivanTony Zaret
King BongSteve Huey
Gary "Boogie" SullivanJD Ryznar
Burn VictimDavid B. Lyons
BoozinatorHunter Stair


Tony ZaretDirector, Writer, Producer
Sean CannonCinematographer, Editor