Welcome To Our House

created by  Julie Klausner, Jackie Clarke

Julie Klausner and Jackie Clarke mined parody gold from the vein of one seriously cheesy '80s video for five fun episodes, but elected to self-cancel at the March '08 screening without making a sixth.

Syndication: xml

Episode 1

All about fashion, eating, chewing, and swallowing.

Screened: 2007-06-04 at Tribeca Cinemas

Votes: 87/101 - 86.14% share; placed 2nd of 8

Downloads: 27,508



Natalie HammerJulie Klausner
Nina Hammer-OrtizJackie Clarke

Episode 2

After showing a soft-focus glimpse of their offbeat soap opera, the sisters demonstrate the importance of exuhcise in taking over the top spot.

Screened: 2007-08-29 at Tribeca Cinemas

Votes: 80/93 - 86.02% share; placed 1st of 10

Downloads: 11,511



Stephen LevinsonEditor

Episode 3

Although it was literally phoned in, this ersatz episode promised a return to form next month if voted back. With the help of a forgiving audience (and some amusing slides), Welcome to Our House settles to number 4.

Screened: 2007-10-01 at Tribeca Cinemas

Votes: 50/74 - 67.57% share; placed 4th of 10

Downloads: 19,750



Stephen LevinsonEditor

Episode 4

Face it: looking this good isn't easy for the sisters, especially without the aid of edible make-up.

Screened: 2007-11-05 at Tribeca Cinemas

Votes: 52/94 - 55.32% share; placed 4th of 9

Downloads: 12,436



Stephen LevinsonDirector, Editor

Episode 5

The sisters take a hot dog break, then prepare for their dates by ingesting vitamin C (and 26 other substances).

Screened: 2008-02-05 at Pianos

Votes: 69/113 - 61.06% share; placed 4th of 10

Downloads: 18,325



Stephen LevinsonEditor

Welcome To Our House 6

No video available

Episode 6

WTOH self-canceled this month by not submitting a show, but they assure us they will make a sixth and final episode... one day.

Screened: 2008-03-04 at Pianos

Votes: 0/100 - 0.00% share; placed 10th of 10

Downloads: 10,499


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